The continuing silence and lack of condemnation and even in some cases outright denial from women's groups who claim they are against violence against women is truly frightening. You have probably already heard the 'Me Too except for Jews' slogan. I suppose this should not be surprising considering how many of these women's groups now claim that any biological male who says he is a woman is to be believed that he actually really truly is a woman in spite of all biological evidence to the contrary. And to dare to point out the truth that he actually is a man who only thinks he is a woman, is now a crime. So Hamas are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters and they did not rape israeli women to death because they were not really women at all since the west now believes that no one can actually be a real biological woman anymore. As you say, a truly upside down world. BTW Megyn Kelly is one of my heroes. I don't believe in all her beliefs anymore than I believe in all of Ben Shapiro's beliefs. But both of them have stated he truth about the important things and they both have incredible courage and I am so glad they are willing to take these battles on day after day in the face of constant attacks.

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