On The Day After-120 Have To Go & Then Some
And Those That Already Served, Should Stay Home As Well
This is an Op-Ed Piece. So sling the mud as much as you want!
The Day After In Gaza
Ever since the war began on October 7, the United States and other countries have been asking Israel: “What happens on the day after? How will Israel deal with Gaza?”
Israel refused to deal with that question, except to say that it is clear a terrorist organization cannot run Gaza.
In a recent interview, Douglas Murray interviewed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on TalkTV. In one part, the PM said as follows:
[Prime Minister Netanyahu]
We have to win in Gaza, and we have to achieve total victory. Hamas cannot be left standing, coming out of the runs with a V sign and saying we'll do it again and again and again, which they promised to do.
So first, for our own sake and for our own future, we have to defeat these monsters.
Second, I don't think it's just our case. It's also the case as I've told President Biden, I've told all the leaders who came here. I said this is your War as well, because this is not merely a minor skirmish. This is part of a major confrontation between the moderate axis of Israel and the moderate Arab states against Iran. The terror axis in Iran is the three Hamas, Houthis, Hizbollah, and others. And the whole world is now watching who's going to win. They're sitting in the bleachers, waiting to see who will win. Will Iran win? or will Israel win? Will they win, or will the West win? So I think that what I say to our American friends, whose help I appreciate a great deal, is that the war will take as long as it takes but will result in total victory. Because this is our battle. This is your battle. And our Victory is your Victory as well
[Douglas Murray]
let me come on to some of the international aspects of that. The day after in Gaza, for instance, talk about the fact that, of course, Gaza's schools need reform. The educational system has to stop teaching hate and much more. But there are international organizations that were meant to ensure that for a decade and a half now, and clearly, they didn't. Who on Earth is meant to be in charge of Gaza after this is over?
[Prime Minister Netanyahu]
well, one thing is clear: it shouldn't be UNRWA because UNRWA, the United Nations Special Agency that was set up for the Palestinians, in fact, perpetuates the Palestinian refugee status because otherwise, that's their bread and butter. But far worse than that, we discovered that 13 unreal workers actually participated either directly or indirectly in the October 7th Massacre.
UNRWA is perforated with Hamas, and UNRWA is in UNRWA schools. They've been teaching the doctrines of extermination for Israel. The doctrines of terrorism lauding terrorists and glorifying terrorists. So, obviously, that has to change.
We need in Gaza not only a complete Victory against Hamas and demilitarization. Sustained demilitarization that can only be handled by Israel. If you have another International force that can fight the Resurgence of terrorism, let me know.
And the third is we need a force there for internal management that does not educate the children of Gaza to become terrorists. It does not fund terrorists and does not dispatch terrorists. Doesn't teach the annihilation of Israel. That's what we need. I can tell you how the first and second things will be done. We're working on the third deradicalization. That takes time and takes commitment.
So there you have it. It is laid out on a platter and is very clear. Bibi was straightforward on this answer, and few in Israel would disagree. The worst outcome for Israel is that Hamas survives as an organization to run Gaza.
So we now know what Israel plans for the “Day After in Gaza.” It can go a few ways, but at least Israel can say what it will no longer endure nor tolerate. That is a step in the right direction.
But What About The Day After In Israel?
This is a question that is asked over and over again in many different methods, manners, and ways. I will try to take a very straightforward approach to this one. You’re welcome to disagree vehemently, agree with clapping, or ignore it. All answers and comments are welcome, as long as they do not emanate from hating Israel or Jews.
A Personal Awakening:
I rarely discuss my personal life in this Substack. It is usually not the place or the time. Nor is my personal life of any interest. A celeb, I am not. Today, I will deviate from this practice and begin with a few personal details.
On October 7th, 2023, my son and three son-in-laws were called to reserve duty early in the morning. Each one of them serves in a different elite unit. Many people say that, but I guarantee you, all four of these men, with wives and children, my grandchildren, serve in the elite of the elite in the IDF.
Except on WhatsApp, I have not seen my son since October 7, 2023. That is not because I am a recalcitrant father, far from it. Every time I volunteered to visit him at his base, it was impossible. He never could tell me if he would be there or not because of what he does. So that was that. Such is war.
Yesterday, he called me to say he was finally released and home. No one knows how long that will last, but you can bet I thanked all the powers in the universe that he was home with his wife and children. As we spoke, and the tones were normal, I made a small cynical crack about Naftali Bennet. Remember him? He was the Prime Minister of Israel for about a year—another idiot who should stay home. My son listened. Then I told him I had seen the Abbot & Costello on television. He asked me who I was referring to. I said the “Ehud Twins.” Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert. One finally out of jail and the other a has-been who makes his money from Planatir, one of the most secretive companies on the planet. Another two idiots who should stay home and far away from television cameras.
So my son says, “All 120 have to go home.”
It took me a moment. What 120? Then I realized. The whole Knesset. The whole lot of them. They all have to go home right after the war. He was right.
The lightbulb went off in my brain. It exploded into fireworks.
And then I said, “not only them.” And he immediately said, “from the Commander of the army to the head of the Mossad to the head of the Shabak, they all have to go home and never come out again.”
Remember, this is coming from my son, who most would call on the “right” of politics. This comes from an elite soldier who has spent the last 4 months fighting and in battle after battle. This comes from a son who certainly does not have any use for the far left in politics.
Now, let us add another little fact about me here. No one knows, not even my children, whom I vote for in elections. It is a joke in our family, and since elections here happen quite often as of late, it has been recited repeatedly. “Who are you voting for, Abba?” And I refuse to say. It is one of these leftover things engrained in me from growing up in the US. It is no one’s damned business who I vote for. It is also politics. And the moment you open your mouth about who you are voting for or who you like, you are asking for an argument. So, I developed two rules in life.
Never discuss politics or religion. Nothing good ever comes from it.
But it is known I am not a Bibi lover. Nor am I a Bibi hater. I sit on the fence most of the time. In defense of Bibi, I will say he is a political genius. Or, more to the point - “was a political genius.” The emphasis on “was.”
The Israelis - Left to Right
It was slow in dawning on some Israelis. To be fair, many realized it on October 7—especially those who were victims of the Hamas attack.
Israel Needs An Entirely New Government - Top to Bottom
Do not get me wrong. And for this you must read below to understand why.
From the far right to the far left, there is a consensus even today that this war must end with Israel winning and destroying Hamas. This is not the reason for this piece. We all knew this would be long and hard fought. That many of our soldiers would be wounded and killed. We all knew the price we would have to pay.
No, that is not the reason.
Nor is world pressure. That is not the reason either. The world be damned. Yes, I said that. The world be damned. It will never adjudicate nor decide Israel’s future. Nor will Israel beg to be saved. So yes, the world be damned with its moral ambiguity and its ludicrous double standards.
No, that is not the reason.
Not because of the non-release of the hostages either. There is much to say about the IRC and UNRWA in this. Israel has sacrificed its best to recover them.
No, that is not the reason.
It is not because the United States is headed for a new election and the electorate there is polarized with WOKE and all of the tails of that snake, slowly choking the life out of democracy and free thought.
No, that is not the reason.
It is not because Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris might end up being President if Trump cannot run or win. President Biden does not seem up to the task at the moment, and very few think he will make it another four years. And neither Obama nor Harris will treat Israel nicely or like an ally.
No, that is not the reason.
It is not because this war is going on and on and will, without doubt, soon become a war with Hizbollah, and then slowly, the circle will expand all the way to Iran.
No, that is not the reason.
It is not because of South Africa’s sudden righteous image with ICJ either. They, too, be damned. What hole they crawled out of is beyond any understanding. But in the end, honestly, who cares? The ICJ has just managed to become as reviled as the UN, which is a pretty big feat.
No, that is not the reason.
So Why, On The Day After, Do All The Politicians And Leaders Have To Go?
First, take a look at the US right now. You have two men running for President, each on opposed paths. They represent huge populations who are also on opposed paths. This is not new. What is new is that they essentially offer nothing new to their constituents. They are repeating the old and tired slogans and beliefs, many of which have miserably failed. They do not offer new thinking, solutions, or paths forward.
Michelle Obama is simply creating another term for Obama. Why on earth would they want it is beyond me. Yet again, nothing new here. Nothing outstanding. Nothing to look forward to. Kamala Harris is another extension of tired old thinking and action.
Now look at Israel. Polarized from left to right before this war. No one of import is thinking of anything except destroying Hamas. And that is how it should be.
But all of them, far left to far right, middle road, politicians, army generals, and all the rest, were responsible for the complete FUBAR on October 7.
No, I am not saying they killed anyone. Hamas did that along with the Palestinians.
I am saying that the complacency, thought processes, and view of the world of these leaders are outdated and so very wrong.
They failed their country and their entire people.
They screwed up in a manner from which there is no return.
And if we do not adopt new thinking, new ways of dealing with such enemies, new methods, new intelligence, new plans - if we do not adopt an entirely new set of politicians and leaders who can actually think and accomplish things, who can keep the unity that is now in Israel and not destroy it, then we will indeed, sooner or later, be pushed into the sea.
They all have to go home. They all have to give up their power and seats. They all need to stay away from the television cameras and keep their mouths shut the day after.
So What About The Day After In Israel?
We desperately need new leadership. I am not talking about the blame that will rain from hell on all these leaders. The time will come for that. We need new thinking. New thought processes. New ways of looking at situations.
Otherwise, we will go to the polls to vote for those who hung on to power far beyond their prime. We will never evolve. And I am not talking about making peace here. I am talking about being able to think on new lines. If we do not do this, we will be as polarized as the US. And this is not something I even want to contemplate.
Make no mistake. Time is running out.
So dear 120. Please do us all a favor. When this war is over, pack your bags and go home.
Until then, win this war.
Destroy Hamas.
Bring the hostages home.
And maybe then our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, and friends will be able to rebuild and no longer be slaughtered.
I truly like this post, including
Ted's son clarity of thoughts and his Dad couching them very well . It brought me back to my Maverick of a husband 40+ years ago who would have agreed with it when he was alive. I was clueless then and he never proselytized. He and his favorite authors are now valuable guides when I feel a little bit lost.
And he never felt like being The lone Ranger was a problem and would have agreed thoroughly about the sequence of things to be handled for the best chance of not having a continuous Groundhog Day of crises over umpteen years.
Sometime it's hard to face the fact that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting changes" (probably falsely attributed to Einstein even though I like the guy).
When extremes are competing with each other with the chance of victory being dimmer than dim, starting from scratch and yes with younger folks who refuse to be brainwashed into opposite factions, can be the light at the end of a long tunnel. I am soon to be 78 so I definitely hope it will happen for those meant to stay longer on this planet. But this can only be done after "the multiple headed Hydra of terrorism" is first handled. It's not only an Israel problem, it's a World one. I think of you Israel, and I think of us, Israel.
It's not blood lust Ted. We're talking about imposing the death penalty (which is now law) for terrorists who murder Jews in cold blood.
The fact that Israel never had a death penalty in the past gave the Arabs a green light to keep on spilling Jewish blood.
Think about it: if you were a Haji look at all the benefits you get for slaughtering just ONE Jew:
1. You'd be a national hero and your family would receive a nice cash award for your service. (Fatima gets her new car).
2. Ditto for suicide bombers. However, a suicide bomber gets an additional bonus of 70 VIRGINS (oy vey) to enjoy in the next world!
Every Haji knows that slaughtering Jews is a total win even if he gets killed. Even 10 consecutive life sentences doesn't faze them, because they are still heroes back home AND they know they will be set free in the next prisoner exchange .
That being said, can you see how our aversion to "blood lust" is an iron clad guarantee that we will see more acts of violence towards Jews in the future?
We must take away the Hajis' incentive to murder Jews. First, TAKE NO PRISONERS. No prisoners- nothing to "exchange".
Arab culture is obsessed with kavod. If we show terrorists on tv being executed by JEWS , that would be the most humiliating, painful, and effective deterrent of all.