Excellent article. I've studied the end of WW II a lot, and the one thing no one realizes is: the last straw for the Japanese was NOT the A-bomb. Nagasaki was Aug. 9. They didn't surrender until Aug.15.

The last straw was the USSR invading Manchuria. Up until then, they still thought Stalin might broker an "acceptable" peace treaty. After that, they realized he might start invading the home islands, and surrendering to the US was preferable.

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Thank you for the compliment. This was not meant to cover all the nuances and history of the end of the Japanese conquests. It just was for very elementary details to understand the comparisons. Getting deeper into it would be impossible in a Substack Newsletter. You would need 10 full volumes to do that.

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double-checking with doppelganger...

nope, i didn't...

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excellent indeed... as yet unexamined: the arrogance of biden claiming the israeli tactical war is "over the top"...has he read (or seen a movie) about the American carpet-bombing of Dresden? the bombing raids over vietbnam? korea ? nagasaki? over the top... sonofabitch.

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I am SHOCKED.. "sonofabitch"- you could not have written that! :)

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Same headline different location and year. It's tiresome. Enough is enough.

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Nothing new under the sun. It is why I used that verse. :)

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