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On October 7, 2023, which was a Sabbath, at 7:10 AM, I was on my way to synagogue. It was not only the Sabbath but also the holiday of "Simchat Torah" in Israel, when Jews all over the world celebrate reading the last part of the Torah (the Old Testament) and then continue on to read the famous beginning, known by all religions:
"In the beginning, God created heaven and earth."
It is supposed to be a happy time. Yet, to be honest, neither the Sabbath nor the holiday were on my mind. You see, the date was October 7, and according to English dates, it was the day after the Yom Kippur War began, on October 6, 1973. While I was walking, my mind was back then, fifty years in the past, remembering all the friends I had lost in that war. Fifty years is a long time, but it still deeply hurts. The attack, the surprise, the deaths, the killing, even the final victory—the cost was beyond bearable. Still, it was fifty years in the past.
On my walk to synagogue, I met an elderly man whom I know walking his Labrador. I greeted him with the traditional “A peaceful Sabbath to you and happy holiday”, but he just gave me a strange look. Then he blurted out, “Teddy, you do know there is a war going on right now.” My first thought was that he had a momentary senile moment. Like myself, he was back in the past, fifty years ago. He saw the look on my face, and he insisted, “War began an hour ago.”
Such insistence could not be ignored. My personal reverie into the past was broken. Without another word, I turned around, ran home, and turned on the news, half hoping that he was indeed going senile.
At that moment, for me, the “Black Sabbath” began.
As I continued to watch the news, it was immediately apparent that this was not a “normal” terrorist attack but rather something a great deal more. It was war, with all that entailed with rockets flying into Israel every few seconds. (Is that not sad when our minds come to the point of differentiating between a “normal” and “beyond normal” terrorist attack?)
It is only natural at that point for thoughts to go to family. I had one son and three sons-in-law whom I knew would be called up, as they all are in elite units. At 9:00 AM, I sent a WhatsApp to my son. Simple and to the point. “Did you get called up yet?" He answered immediately, “Not yet.” I sent back, “Get ready. Within two hours, you will be called up. Just let me know immediately.” Then nothing for an hour as I watched the horror unfold on television. Then a WhatsApp voice message said, “On my way now.” At that moment, the war became real, and I could not help but go back fifty years in my mind. I had no idea that October 7, would be so much worse than the Yom Kippur War. I still did not understand that anything could be worse than the Holocaust and the Yom Kippur War combined.
A few days went by. In Israel, we were faced with the worst situation since the Holocaust. Hostages en masse were kidnapped and grabbed into Gaza. As of this writing, almost all are still there. Five were freed alive, and two others were found dead. Then the stories. Rape, shooting, murder, body burning, body mutilation, shooting children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children, cutting open a pregnant woman’s stomach and ripping out her almost full-grown fetus while she was alive, ripping limbs off, raping dead women... The horrors go on and on.
Of course, so many in the world denied that this happened. Until the GoPro film taken from the cameras of the Hamas-ISIS-Nazis was released. My prayer is for all of you.
Watch that forty-three-minute video and diametrically opposed, may you never see that video. If you do see it, you will never, ever be the same. You will be watching the worst horrors beyond your imagination—things the Nazis never thought of.
Since I am a history buff, something I received from my father, who served in World War II, my thoughts, besides horror, shock, and crying, went back in history to FDR and his speech to Congress on December 8, 1941. This was the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and pulled the United States into a war that officially became World War II. These days, it seems university students and many adults do not have a clue about history. Let's just make sure we back this up with a short quote from Wikipedia. You are welcome to use Google and search through the thousands of articles about this speech.
The "Day of Infamy" speech, sometimes referred to as "The Infamy Speech,", was a speech delivered by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, to a joint session of Congress on December 8, 1941. The previous day, the Empire of Japan attacked United States military bases at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines and declared war on the United States and the British Empire. The speech is known for its famed first line, which opened with Roosevelt saying:
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy..."
I thought that there were now three days of infamy.
December 7, 1941
September 11, 2001
October 7, 2023
Each one of these dates marked an immediate turn in world affairs and severe conflicts and wars that engulfed the world. There is another similar aspect to note. They all came as a complete surprise: the immediate deaths of a huge number of people, followed by war, death, and destruction all over the world.
When World War II ended and the horrors of Nazi Germany were exposed to the world in the form of what we now call “The Holocaust,” enlightened humankind vowed, “Never Again.” No matter what, this could not be allowed to happen again.
Of course, on the fringe elements of society, there were always conspiracy theories and hate-mongering. It seems to be part of the human condition. Still, these remained on the fringe, and fodder for the crazies and those with nothing else to do except invent tall tales full of dark fantasies.
But 9/11 was sacred. The video of those planes hitting the Twin Towers and their subsequent falling to the ground was embedded in a collective consciousness. The people caught in the buildings on the hijacked planes—the emergency personnel who were killed on that day—is a visceral memory no sane person could forget.
For the moment let us move on, however, be assured we will return to the “sacred memories.”
After October 7, almost immediately, antisemitism worldwide reared its ugly face. Violent protests, attacks, murders, and death threats were all fair game. Okay. I get it. Something happens; blame the Jews. It happens every time, in every generation.
Then came the universities, and the elite ones at that, protecting the right to “free speech” as long as it applied to those who hated Israelis and Jews. To be honest, I no longer know what to write. “Jews” or “Israelis” because it is all the same for these people and groups.
And, to be honest, these dumbasses don’t know the difference either. From professors to students, from protestors to physical attacks, it is open season on Jews worldwide. Does this sound familiar? It should. The Nazis would have been proud to know that their ideology was not dead.
Then came the videos of students and adults, from idiots to supposed lawyers, from men to women to children, pulling down the signs of the kidnapped hostages. This too went unchallenged by the police and law enforcement. Worse, there is a video from the UK where we watch two police officers wearing their uniforms pulling down the signs. But hey, this is “free expression,” just like “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is free expression. The call for the genocide of an entire people is not important.
Then, of course, into the antisemitic arena arrived “Black Lives Matter”, “Queers for Palestine”, "WOKE," and, indeed, the most shocking, the “#metoo” movement.
So anger takes over. I mean, WTF?
What does the BLM movement have to do with Israel? What is the connection between Israel and a legitimate movement to improve life for Blacks everywhere? What are we missing here besides overt antisemitism?
What the hell does “Queers for Palestine” even mean? Let me understand this for a moment. The LGBTQ movement, which enjoys complete and total freedom in Israel, rears its ugly antisemitic head. They do not even express their hatred in a normal manner. Every single speech, video, or social media post of theirs has one outstanding pronoun. “ME.” It is all about me because I am a Queer or I am a “they” (the binary pronouns are really messed up).
So to the “Queers for Palestine,” I have a challenge. I will personally, and with great glee, walk with you to the border with Gaza and make sure you get in. Then all you have to do is wave your flag and open your mouth. On my part, I will start a betting pool on how long you will stay alive. I will be honest; the odds are not in your favor.
As to the WOKE movement, just how riddled did your brains get? How much ignorance do you have about humanity? How long can you lie to yourselves? What amount of self-deception becomes too much? How much of a dumbass can one person be until they actually WAKE UP. You are so far from WOKE; it is not funny.
Has anyone noticed a trend here? It is not difficult to figure out. The hatred of the Jews comes above all ideology and all thought. It simmers in the background and breaks out into all its glory among all such groups and people.
So BLM, QFP, WOKE, #metoo, and antisemites everywhere, take heart. The Nazis would be proud of you. A great legacy to leave your children. Go for it!
Okay. But this is limited to the Jews, right? If you are not Jewish, the worst you can be is on the political right. So, really, who cares? Jews will deal with it.
It is sometimes amazing how naive so-called enlightened Western civilization can be.
Ahhh! In the words of Hamlet:
“To sleep; perchance to dream: ay there’s the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come?”
The West is in a dream. And there’s the rub. The West truly does not understand the meaning of the statement, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” They just don’t get it.
Infidels! Non-believers! The minds of the radical Islamists do not stop with the Jews. The minds of all those protestors in all your countries will not stop there. You are “infidels.” You are non-believers. You are as bad or worse than the Jews. And once they get rid of us, once Israel is pushed into the sea, and once the Jews are eliminated from the face of the earth, you are next—Infidel!
Which, of course, brings us way back to the “sacred Days of Infamy.” Those days are sacred to history. Those days were supposedly indelibly impressed upon the collective consciousness of humanity.
In the scheme of things, again, to be honest, the following did not surprise me or anyone that I know. It was the natural progression of what was going on.
It really was only a matter of time before the Infidel argument reared its ugly head. And wouldn’t you know it? TikTok became its home.
Let us for a moment delve into this amazing piece of intelligence.
So, once upon a time, there was an animal (well animals are wonderful, but you know what it means), named Osama bin Laden. He orchestrated many horrific attacks, leaving a path of death and destruction in his wake. Why? Maybe he had mommy issues or daddy issues. It really does not matter. What matters is, what he managed to accomplish. And that is the most horrific attack upon the USA in history. Today, in case you are one of those dumbasses and spaghetti-brained idiots who are in or believe the video below, it is known to one and all as “9/11.”
Osama bin Laden ‘Letter to America’ TikTok posts are ‘stomach-churning’
Kind of shocking to have this out in the open. Knocks your socks off. So let us do a name and shame here. One would think these wonderous people in the video, who seem to lack any brains and are in sympathy with the radical Islamist ideas of said bin Laden, would actually dress and behave in a manner of respect. So, I want you to meet, Lynette Adkins. A sympathizer to this video, protector of Islamist rights, and hater of Israel and the Jews. She wants to go to Gaza dressed as she dresses in her Instagram photos.

Yep. This child of the dawn thinks she can dress like this in Gaza without being beheaded and stoned. This genius portrays herself as a “fashion influencer.” - go ahead, look her up. Lynette Adkins (@lynetteadki). Send her some choice messages. The more curse words and F-bombs the better.
This is an example of what the WOKE movement has given birth to. This is an example of what is waiting for the West. Taking down a TikTok video does not make the problem go away.
How did this go viral? Why? Here is your answer from the Washington Post.
How Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ reached millions online
Videos citing the document had been viewed far less than many TikTok posts. Then a journalist made a compilation and posted it to X, causing attention to the manifesto to explode.
Let us quote from the first two paragraphs of the article linked above.
On Monday, a TikTok user with 371 followers, using the screen name “_monix2,” posted a video where she read parts of Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America,” in which the late terrorist leader said his killings of nearly 3,000 Americans in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks had been justified by the United States’ support of Israel’s “occupation” of the Palestinian territories.
By Wednesday night, the letter had become a point of discussion among left-wing creators on the video app, with some saying its critiques of American foreign policy had opened their eyes to a history they’d never learned.
As Tevya sang in Fiddler on the Roof, “Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles.” Of course, this all has to do with Jews, Israel, and the “occupation of Palestine.” How could it not? I mean if bin Laden wrote it, then it must be true.
So what does one do? How do you combat such a lie? How do you stop it? Well, you really can’t. Once that cat is out of the bag - there is no way to catch it again. Even removing the video, as TikTok did after a huge backlash.
I never thought I would ever put what I am going to write right now in print. Before October 7, it would never have been a thought. But then again there is always a Before & After.
Megyn Kelly, despite the fact that I do not agree with some of her views, has proven to be a woman of courage. To put it in modern terms, Megyn has more balls than any other person out there. She is not Jewish, but when she sees injustice she goes after the jugular, and never stops.
Watch the following, as little or as much as you care to.
Of course, we can add videos of Ben Shapiro and many others, but then you may say, I am showing right-wing Jews. Heaven forbid!
There is also this open letter, put up on a website, with just one page, an open letter to TikTok. Below is a partial quote from this letter.
Dear TikTok,
Your platform is not safe for Jewish users.
Simply put, TikTok lacks critical safety features to protect Jewish content creators and the broader Jewish TikTok community, leaving us in digital and physical danger. The company and your thousands of employees in public policy, creator partnerships, product development, and content moderation – who are supposed to protect users, are not doing enough.
Your Jewish creators – who regularly enliven the For You page with videos of dancing, cooking, singing, and positivity of all kinds – are being bombarded with abhorrent inhumanity solely due to our ethno-religious identity. This hate and vitriol is not rare, spontaneous or unexpected. Sadly, rampant antisemitism is a common problem that TikTok has failed to address for far too long.
The daily reality for Jewish content creators on TikTok includes death threats, endless threatening comments on posts (many just for being Jewish), and a barrage of harassment in all forms of TikTok-facilitated interaction. And that was true before the massacres of Jews on October 7th. Since then, the hate directed at Jewish content creators has been compounded to unimaginable degrees. It’s relentless and, worst of all, it’s largely permitted.
As Jews, we are scared, distraught, and at a breaking point. This isn’t just “digital harassment.” There are real world implications. Anger fueled by TikTok has led directly to antisemitic harassment, assault, and vandalism. We are scared to leave our homes. We feel compelled to hire armed security. We are frightened to post for fear of receiving more suffocating digital hate.
We fear that only an unfathomable tragedy befalling a Jewish TikTok creator will lead to change. Is that what you are waiting for?
Let’s be clear: This moment isn’t just another cultural conflict or trending conversation. The inaction in the face of Jew-hatred that we are experiencing today is also how the Holocaust started. Yes, it’s a dramatic historical analogy, but it’s never been more necessary to point out. And like last time, there are many other marginalized groups similarly impacted. TikTok’s failure to protect its most vulnerable communities hurts all vulnerable communities.
TikTok is at the epicenter of cultural conversation and provides billions of people information and context about what’s going on in the world. As a leader, TikTok is falling woefully short by not protecting the safety of its Jewish creators and community and by not monitoring and guiding public discourse to ensure the platform doesn’t become a permanent cesspool of indiscriminate and aggressive antisemitism.
Time is ticking away.
Forget it. It is just an aberration. FFS we are only talking about TikTok here, so what is all the fuss? And look, they were forced to take it down. Even Elon Musk banned “from the river to the sea” from X, though, of course, his other policies about the war are severely messed up. I suggest everyone read Walter Isaacson’s biography of Musk, as Musk makes Steve Jobs look like a nice person. Musk is one severely messed-up son-of-a-bitch, no matter how rich he is.
An aberration? Just forget it? I have news for you, being a history buff. In 1933 and 1938, the Jews in Germany and Poland were warned of what was going to happen. Hell, all one had to do was read Mein Kampf to know what Hitler was going to do.
Just look at the US Congress. They cannot even throw out Tlaib, despite hate speech, calls for genocide, and all her “squad” idiocies.
So this is where all this leads to.
Don’t you love it when an American flag is pulled down in favor of a Palestinian one, right in the heart of NYC?
Won't continue? Who are you lying to? Yourself, your family, or the rest of the world. Who do you think you are placating?
This is step one in the famous Nazi invention of “the doctrine of the lie.” It will continue and insidiously make its way into other social networks. As to mainstream media, hell, the BBC, NPR, CNN, and ABC have that part covered. They will excuse these “aberrations” until their own offices and reporters are attacked. And they will be attacked.
So innocuous statements such as, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “Gas the Jews,” or “Hamas are martyrs,” are just little kinks in the overall view of things.
Dismiss this warning, and your life is in your hands. Do you really think it is only Israel and the Jews that Hamas and Iran are after? Do you really think that it will end here? Do you not understand that you—yes, you—are the infidel? And that Infidels must die. The last words you will hear are “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is Great.” Imagine that! Dying with God on your murderer’s lips. The ghost of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. would shake his head in disgust.
So, dear reader, here is the message of this piece.
Nothing is sacred anymore. Not life, not Jews, not Israelis, not infidels. Absolutely nothing.
There are no days of infamy. These have become days of celebration for many in this world. Celebration of death and destruction. Celebration of attacks, horrors, and inhumanity. They are the reason to throw a big party.
And here is our message to all those who wish to destroy Israel, the Jews, and the Infidels. Read it. Memorize it. Because I promise you, if the West does not come for each and every one of you, the Jews will. We will no longer cower. We will never bow our heads in fear. We will destroy you.
Never forgive!
Never forget!
Never Again!
The Rape of Nanking, where the Japanese invading army mass raped aprox 20,000 chinese civilians and killed 200,000 or more, was another of those pivotal moments. The Japanese not only hated the chinese, they hated all westerners, especially americans. This played a big factor in why FDR originally blockaded the Japanese and nationalized all Japanese assets in america to try to stop them. Which is what then led directly to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Since I know this piece of WW ll history, I do not make the mistake of thinking that the radical islamists hate and target only jews or their own muslim populations who don't toe the line. They absolutely want to destroy/control the west as well. For some insane reason, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, the complacent in america cannot seem to believe that these barbaric jihadists hate us too and will indiscriminantly kill us in horrific ways if they have the chance. Anyone at this point who is an apologist for hamas or al queda or isis or hezbellah etc, is either a self- hating brainwashed idiot or a collaborator and I consider them extremely dangerous. And I consider Megyn Kelly a hero.
I think you should send "The West is Next...Tic Tok" to the New York Post" to publish.
R. B.