This is dedicated to Noa Marciano.
Today we were informed of two more horrendous acts. Noa Marciano was murdered by the Hamas. Another hostage who was 8 months pregnant on October 7, 2023, gave birth in captivity, and there is a very good chance the baby was stolen.
Today is not the day for an op-ed or a lengthy article. Today we need to say this clearly without any ambiguity.
**Warning we are not being politically correct today
“From the river to the sea” is a forthright call for Genocide. Rashida should be sitting in jail awaiting a trial for treason to the United States. We hope her body rots to the extent of the black rot in her soul and heart.
The dumb-ass, spaghetti-brained students, who are marching around attacking Jews, let us be real clear. Your time will come. Every single one of you, who has been and will be outed will pay the price for your antisemitism.
What the hell does “Queers for Palestine” even mean? Is the LGBTQ community so riddled with hate that they do not see what they are doing? Do you honestly think this will be forgotten? WTF are you adopting such a heinous, horrific, immoral stance?
To those in BLM who reveled in the death of Jews. I cannot bring myself to be prejudiced against any race or religion. But you better belive those of you who decided to take the wrong side, are going to find out just how expensive Jewish blood can be.
To all the Universities, Professors, teachers, and Deans of they wonderful institutions teaching and normalizing hate, there will come a day of reckoning very soon. Money has already stopped. Just wait. Even though your endowments are huge, you will not get away with this.
America and Europe please WAKE THE F*** UP! Do you think it will stop at the Jews? Do you have no clue what is really being taught here? You are “infidels” and the next on the list. Do you not realize what is going to happen to you?
To Hamas - You thought we would do our little dance with you again. You sorely underestimated Israel and the Jewish people. We will destroy you, hunt you down, and kill you as the Nazis you are. You are worse than Nazis, though. Your leaders will be found and killed. Remember history and what we did to every single terrorist who participated in the Munich Olympic Massacre. Remember, even when we were completely surprised, we still won the Yom Kippur War and surrounded 300,000 Egyptian soldiers. We have long and lethal memories. Did you think we would cower again? Think again.
To the World - You have all the proof you need. Do not ever get up and give us your morality speeches. It is disgusting to hear The Secretary of State and the President of France lecture us on morality. You have got to be kidding me. You either stand with us or against us. There is no middle ground.
To the International Red Cross. You are useless bumbling idiots. Fuck all of you. In 37 days you could not bring us one report of the hostages, not one sign of life, not one visit with them.
And finally to anyone that is going to preach peace and all that bullshit about responsibility, (that is you, Obama - turned out you were probably the worst president the US ever had - what a joke!) Remember this: History is a very. unforgiving mistress.
This list can go on and on, and in other pieces, I will go step by step. But Jews will no longer cower, no longer beg, no longer ask permission. Hamas you f***** with the wrong people, at the wrong time, and in the wrong way.
Wait a bit. Because all of you will be dead or in our jails, balling your eyes out.