Rashida Tlaib & The Doctrine of the Lie
"From the River to the Sea" is not a benign peaceful chant
Dear Rashida:
I want to be fair and clear. The term "Dear" in no way is being used here as a term of endearment.
Let us call out your bullshit, once and for all, shall we?
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.
You said in public:
“From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate.”
Of course, and I freely admit you can turn to that rag of a newspaper known as the New York Times which has lost all of its journalistic integrity, to give you a somewhat benign interpretation of that statement. That linked article above, will somewhat, though not entirely, support the lie of your definition. (See I can be fair in the light of hate.)
Yet, any individual who has a semi-conscious ability at a rudimentary thought process, knows exactly what that statement means. “From the River to the Sea” covers the State of Israel. And it is a call for genocide. To wipe out the Jewish state. To push the Jews into the sea. To murder, maim, torture, burn, and drown them. From the Exodus out of Egypt to Hitler and beyond we know exactly what that call means.
Since the psychopath children, college students, and adults who follow you, whose brains are riddled like spaghetti from hate, and have nothing better to do with their time than spew out ever-more hatred, have no clue nor idea where the “river” or “sea” is on a map, let us educate them for a moment. Shall we?
The sea we are discussing in this little chant is the Mediterranean Sea. The river is the Jordan River. You go from the river to the sea - voila - Israel is gone. Nada. Zilch. Disappeared. As if it never existed. Which is exactly what you want.
House votes to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib over her Israel-Hamas rhetoric
But you dig in. You hide behind your lies. And you got censored for it. You are one step from being thrown out of Congress. But to be honest, I doubt that will happen. Congress does not have the balls to do what is right. The moral ambiguity of your friends in that institution will be fodder for Political Science Doctorates for decades to come.
One would have to be living under a rock, deaf, blind, and mute to not classify you and your budding psychopath followers, “Rashida & the Squad,” as rabid antisemites and Jew haters.
Eighty (80) Years Ago..
Eighty years ago when someone like you stood up and told Jews that we would be cleansed "from the river to the sea" - we would have run to the river and asked where to jump in.
Eighty years ago you would have been Hitler's right hand. But wait! The Nazis did not allow women to do anything but bear children. My bad.
Eighty years ago you would have been a guard for the SS in a concentration camp, gleefully torturing and killing the Jews under your beastly hands. Like Irma Greese from Bergen Belsen; Maria Mandl of Auschwitz; Hermine Braunsteiner of Majdanek and Jenny-Wanda Barkmann from Stutthof concentration camps. These are your historical compatriots. Break out the champagne!
Eighty years ago, I would have told my children to run far away from you and hide in the deepest ravine.
Eighty years ago I would have bowed to your lofty presence, scared of my own shadow.
Eighty years ago you would have gotten away with all your heinous crimes by telling everyone "I was just following orders."
Eighty years ago your simmering hate would have emerged into an unchecked conflagration of fire, death, and destruction.
Eighty years ago the United States Government, would have classified you as a traitor, even if Cordell Hull ignored you.
Eighty years ago you would have been one of the greatest Nazis that ever lived, worthy of the history books.
Eighty years ago, when the Nazis adopted "the doctrine of the Lie" under Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, (and since adopted by Cults worldwide), you would have been his greatest disciple. You may just still be, his greatest disciple.
Eighty years ago you would have scared the living shit out of me and every Jew worldwide.
Why? We were defenseless, cowering, and unable to protect ourselves.
Of course, you deny the Holocaust and the death of six million Jews. Denial and lies seem to come as second nature to you. The not-so-subtle bending of the truth has turned into outright denial, even in the face of truth, factual evidence, eye-witness reports, and videos. You revel in horror and death.
Of course, you deny you are an antisemite. But rather you simply hate Israel.
Why? Because somehow the world has adopted the term "Palestinian People" and somehow Israel, and NOT Egypt, NOT Jordan, NOT any other Arab State, is responsible for what you claim to be your own.
Jews worldwide are not Israelis. Correct? They are Jews. I bet you say: "some of my best friends are Jews," as well.
And you only hate Israel. Israel has no right to exist. But the Jews? Well, we will wait until Israel is destroyed so you can find your next target.
Well Rashida, guess what?
Today when you say "from the river to the sea" which is a call for Genocide, we are not running to the sea. We, the Jewish People, not just Israelis, but the Jewish People, have turned to face you and your hatred with no fear and no more cowering. We are here to chase you back into the dark hole you emerged from. Even Gollum deserved pity. You do not.
Today, we welcome you to be the right hand of Hitler. Indeed, you can take his place. Because today, Hitler and his gang of murderous psychopath idiots, are a memory to sustain us when we face his descendants. A hard lesson to be sure, but one which we have learned in the worst way possible. We no longer fear you and your ilk Rashida. We will fight back.
Today, when you want to gleefully kill and torture Jews, and hide behind the shield of free speech and the United States Congress to do so, we no longer cower in fear from SS guards and those who follow their lead down the path of history. We simply eliminate them from the face of the earth.
Today, we teach our children and grandchildren to face you and stand straight before your withered, torturous face entangled in the throes of the rage of hate. We teach our children to memorize the hate. To memorize your face in the throes of spewing forth calls for Genocide. We imprint that upon their memory. But not to hate. Not to destroy. Not to torture. But to understand how to make a better world. To know the difference between good and evil. And you Rashida, are the face of evil - personified.
Today, and in the future, you will become a small footnote in history, if even that. You and your ilk will dissipate simply because you are the dumb-asses of history. And if you do not disappear, and if you manage to somehow make a serious name for your hatred and lies, the history books will put your picture right next to Hitler. Perhaps, and I do not doubt this for a second, you will consider that a great honor.
Your whole being spews hatred and lies. You seem to be unable to NOT distort what is factual evidence. You seem to be able to understand how babies can be beheaded and burned. You seem to sympathize with a Hamas-ISIS-Nazi who cut open a pregnant woman's belly and removed her fetus, while she was alive. You seem to understand how it is quite normal for a Hamas-ISIS-Nazi to bind the hands of a whole family together, then shoot them, rape the women, before and after death, and shoot babies in the head - and then calmly go to the refrigerator and take out food to eat.
You revel in death and blood. As long as it is Jewish blood and Jews dying. You see that is the difference between me and you. Or my people and your band of idiotic followers and the dumb-asses you call "the squad." We do not revel in killing anyone. We do not hold up flags for war. We have and always have wanted peace. If only because we do not enjoy nor want our children to die in war. Life to us is precious. It is a gift. Life to you and Hamas-ISIS-Nazi is not. You revel in the glory of death and so-called "martyrdom." Your whole religious philosophy turns on that one thought. Kill Jews; Go To Heaven.
Well Rashida, enjoy the fame while you can. It will be short-lived. At best you will be forgotten, at worse, you will go down as an evil, hate-riddled, soul-tortured dumb-ass in the annals of history. Either way is good for us.
Understand this Rahsida. However it works out for you, we will be around long after you and your ilk are gone. You are not the first jew hater we have faced, and sadly you won’t be the last. I do not know what God you pray to, but any God who glories in blood and death, is not a God I would choose to teach my children about.
We will be around long, long after you. And you Rahsida, no matter what you say, how you say it, or how many lies you choose to spread, have entered the cesspool of evil. And you know something about evil? All it takes is for one small flame to put it out. And guess what? We are no longer little flames. We are now a huge torch and you will never win nor will your lies prevail.
Western Civilization You Are Next
There is a sad footnote to all of this that has nothing to do with Jews and Israel. We, as Jews, know that your philosophy is not only the eradication of Jews, but of all infidels. And if history has taught us anything, it has taught us that you Rashida, and. your mob of dumb-asses will not stop with the Jews. You will move on to the “infidels.” You will move on to the very core of democratic, western civilization. You will raise that Hamas flag, paint a Swastika on it, and run rampant. As the Nazis did. Aryans wanted everyone gone. Just ask Russia. You want everyone gone.
Do your friends who claim to be part of the LGBTQ community, truly understand that they would be beheaded by the religion and regime you are now defending? Do your friends who protect your right to free speech, feel that anything you say is protected, even if it is in defense of terrorists and murderers that they too are in the gun-sights of your buddies in Gaza and throughout fundamental, radical Arab regimes everywhere?
To the Western world that stands in a moral cesspool of hypocrisy:
Do you not understand yet that if Hamas is not eliminated from the face of this earth, you are next? Did you not yet see or hear the atrocities committed and the absolute glee of the Hamas Nazis who committed them? Do you think it will stop there if left unchecked?
So no, Rashida. We will no longer be silent. We will no longer cower. We will no longer go as sheep to the slaughter. We will no longer let the world dictate our destiny. We will no longer raise our hands in defeat. And we will wipe Hamas off the face of this earth. Not the Palestinians, but Hamas. Choose your side carefully, all those who follow Rashida.
Join the face of evil or open up what is left of your mind and figure out exactly what you should stand for. Choose LIFE. If you choose hatred, evil, death, maiming, torture - it will not end well for you.
As to your Rashida. You have worn the ring of power way too long. You are corrupted by its power and whispers. Your heart is riddled with hate, lies, and destruction. Your soul is black. Your mind is addled with unrequited fury and rage. You think you have reached your crowning moment, and you do not see the abyss in your next step. For you, there is no way back. You have left the family of humanity along with your friends who attacked Israel on October 7, 2023.
How do I know all this? Simple. My humanity is still intact. Yours never existed.
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