Dear CNN, NYT, Reuters & AP - The Hypocrisy Of Journalism Today
What Would You Do If Your Family Was Being Murdered & A Reporter/Photographer Stood By To Take Pictures & Hid Behind Journalistic Integrity?
November 10, 2023
When the first videos of the carnage and murder on October 7, 2023, began to appear along with the avalanche of witnesses telling of rape, murder, babies being shot and beheaded, bodies burned, and innocent young and old being dragged away to Gaza by the Hamas, a very specific video appeared. It was among the first. And in it, we watched as a well-known Gazan reporter stood in a Kibbutz while the terrorists behind him went about their seeding of carnage. That “journalist” is no longer among the living. Pay-back is a bitch, ain’t it?
In Israel, and indeed Jews the world over, have come to expect and until October 7, actually accept the idiotic and unbalanced press, especially from the likes of CNN. It is amazing how they never get it right along with the BBC.
However, it never dawned upon anyone that CNN, AP, Reuters, and the NYT would have actually hired or in the worst case used photographs from journalists who somehow magically appeared on the border at 6:30 AM on October 7, just when the attacks began.
Broken Borders: AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions
No matter how bad these news organizations became, it really was beyond our imagination that they would do such a heinous thing. Then when they were literally caught in the act and tried to deny it, the actual reporters/photographers gave their evidence as selling their material to these news organizations.
CNN - deny all you want. And sadly your audience will probably believe you. Your hands have not shed this blood. You are just neutral reporters bringing the news to the world. Right? Of course, right!
So let us ask the editors and journalists of these fine and outstanding news organizations the following simple question.
What we would like to know, is if a group of people came to your home, armed to the teeth, accompanied by someone who was simply taking pictures and showing a journalist press pass - and these home invaders took your wives, husband, and children and tied them up, and began to shoot, rape and burn them, and behead your children - all the while the photographer is hiding behind the holy writ of journalistic integrity - would you just let that journalist be? Would you defend that animal’s right to “freedom of the press?” while his compatriots make your home look worse than a Nazi concentration camp?
When I was young and growing up in NYC, the NYT was delivered to our door every morning. To Pop, that newspaper was the “holy of holies.” It was a bastion of truth and wonderful writing and reporting. Russel Baker became my favorite as I grew up, and many of my world-views were shaped by him.
Decades later, the NYT has turned into a rag, not worthy of even turning into toilet paper. It has become slanted, and prejudiced, and seems unable to report anything without pandering to a specific agenda and public. It is no longer balanced, offering both sides. It has entered into the realm of clickbait where headlines are created without any proof and no justification. The NYT has come to rely on retractions and error statements - when it is called out - and those come 24 to 48 hours later.
Maybe because we are just Jews, we just don’t get it. Or maybe because we just will not let anyone, not even the old bastions of journalistic integrity, tell us that “from the river to the sea” is not a call for annihilation. Or maybe it is because we do not really like idiotic students marching and screaming “Gas the Jews,” without any sort of repercussions.
So dear journalists and bastions of the democratic fervor of unbiased and fair reporting. Keep it up. Seriously keep it up. The next time the idiot from AP gets up during a question-and-answer period with the United States Secretary of State and complains about the AP building being bombed in Gaza, we will ask that dumb-ass if he too participated in the horrors of October 7.
Guess what? We are not stopping and we will not stop until every member of the Hamas is in jail or six feet under. Obviously, “journalistic integrity” has indeed entered our bathrooms. And even Jews whom you think can be raped, shot, beheaded, burned, have their bodies desecrated, and taken hostage with impunity - know what a toilet is used for.