Why subscribe to The View From Israel?
"The View From Israel" #viewfromisrael - was established based upon the premise of bringing the truth to the world about what happened in Israel on October 7, 2023, and the war against pure evil that began in its aftermath.
On that day, the "Black Sabbath" our world was changed forever. October 7, 2023, entered into history as a "day of infamy," along with December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001.
On that day the State of Israel and the Jewish people witnessed and were the targets of the worst mass killings since the Holocaust.
On that day we had 240 men, women, children, and babies ripped from our hands and taken as "hostages" against all international law and against all humanitarian morality.
On that day women were raped and then murdered, or murdered and then raped, babies shot and babies beheaded, men shot and bodies burned.
On that day in one short period of eight (8) hours 1210-1400 people were murdered. Bodies were so badly disfigured by the Hamas animals that it has taken weeks (not hours or days) to identify them.
On that day it was not only Jews who were killed. Arabs, Druse, and men from Thailand were also murdered.
On that day, and make no mistake about this, our world, not only the Israeli or Jewish world, but our collective world, changed forever both in Israel and in all countries dedicated to the dignity of humankind.
And yet, sadly though not surprisingly, there suddenly appeared so many, so so many, who immediately decided the fault lay at the foot of the Jews. Not the Israelis, but Jews worldwide. In nice terminology we call this antisemitism, however, let us call this exactly what it is: rabid, sick Jew-hatred. Protests broke out all over the world, ever-increasing day by day, by supposed "Palestinian" sympathizers, chanting "Gas the Jews" and "From the river to the sea." College campuses erupted, led by professors and students, and suddenly Jewish students were in fear for their lives.
It became absolutely clear that fake news and Jew hatred were once again rearing their ugly heads.
It became clear that there was a need to combat this heinous crime.
It became clear, that if this is not stopped another Holocaust is looming upon the horizon.
It also became clear that Hamas and its supporters will not stop with Israel if allowed to continue. They will, if unchecked, attack every single Western country from inside and out to establish their rule of law.
"The View From Israel" emerged from the need to present valid and confirmed information to the public outside of Israel on the ongoing war and its consequences. We are not associated with any political movement nor with any outside institution or company. Our entire budget comes from donations. The amount of "fake news" and "lies" in the world press simply astounds us.
On October 7, 2023, Israel, then Jews, and then a majority of wonderful people the world over, were suddenly faced with the pure face of evil. Our simple goal is to bring you the information, news, facts, and numbers and to expose those who join in and perpetuate evil and crimes against humanity.
Silence is no longer an option.
We are guided by one major principle.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
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Unfortunately, the method of payment on Substack is exclusively through the Stripe payment system. Stripe does not operate in Israel, nor in many countries around the world. We use Ko-Fi which allows us to collect donations through Paypal. Every dollar goes to the continuation of research, writing, and the continuous reporting of The View From Israel. We do not take any money from institutions, or any government funds. We are and will remain independent. Nor will we accept any investment where the goal of the investors is to control our editorial policy.